Why Hire A Professional Photographer/Videographer?

A full-time professional wedding photographer/videographer is committed to their work and they have to produce quality images in order to support their family and/or lifestyle. New photographers/videographers and hobbyists are not personally held to the same accountability. 
With a professional you are ensured quality and commitment. A professional will capture your day with thousands in equipment. They will post-process your day with top of the line editing software. They will spend hours and hours of time going over each photo/video to make sure it looks its best before you get it, and they will order your prints and albums from some of the best professional print labs in the world in order to ensure that you get the highest quality products possible. With all the time, effort, and money they've put into the equipment they'll use for your wedding, it's understandable why they charge higher than hobbyist. A new photographer/videographer most likely will not have the same quality of equipment to work with, and if a problem arises with the equipment, they may not know how to solve the problem. As a result, you may be left with poor quality images, or no images.

Do not hire someone if you cannot guarantee their quality and commitment. Hire a professional and be more than proud of your photos/videos.
Why Choose Mills Digital Studio?

1. We use Full High Definition, top of the line equipments for our photo and video shoots and coverage services.
2. We have highly competent professional photographers and videographers.
3. We offer impressive results with financially practical rates.
4. We make sure that our shoots come out perfect for you and your guests.
5. You always get more than what you paid for because apart from the quality service you get, you also get a lot of freebies when you avail our services.
6. We treat each client equally special.
7. We customize our packages according to your needs and budget.
Why choose a high definition camera for your photography needs?

With our 15.0 megapixel camera, it allows us to shoot pictures in large detailed prints and in near-dark conditions. Its image quality is protected by the EOS Integrated Cleaning System, which reduces, repels and removes unwanted dust from the sensor. Also, stubborn particles can be easily removed in post-production by using dust delete data.
Why choose to have a shoot in the High Definition Video (HDV) format?

HD camcorders record at high resolution, ensuring that the picture is clearer and sharper than that of an SD camcorder. HDV format is a new video format for shooting and playing back high definition images on popular DV standard. By moving to digital video, you will be able to have the important moments in your life captured in high quality, allowing you to relive them.